Influence psychological contract of attracting and retaining talent Alfi nura,SE, MSi, Prof.Dr.Hj. Tjuju Yuniarsih,M.Pd, Prof.Dr.H.Disman,M.S, Prof. Dr.H.Eeng Ahman,M.S
The company is currently facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0, where one influence is that the labor market is open to other countries in the world. The hiject talent phenomenon results in highly talented employees in a company being captured and given more attractive offers and facilities by competing companies. Psychological Contract is one way to create attractiveness and retain talent so that you dont move to another company, or even to other countries in the world. Research on this uses a quantitative type of survey approach, with research subjects in the form of talents at the Telkomsigma Group. The object of this study relates to the characteristics of the psychological contract variables and attracting and retaining talent variables. The population of this study is all the workforce that has talents that is equal to 347 people. Data analysis used structural equation model Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS program. The results show that there is a positive relationship between the psychological contract and attracting and retaining talent of 0.565 with a t value of 6.251, which means that there is a significant relationship between the psychological contract and attracting and retaining talent.
Keywords: Talent, Attracting and retaining talent, psychological contract
Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management