Involvement of the Industrial World in Increasing Link and Match Programs Between Vocational Education and Industrial World in West Java-Indonesia and Agus Rahayu; Lili Adi Wibowo; S.Sulastri
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to measure how high the level of involvement of the industrial world on the success of the vocational education link and match program with the industrial world if the Industrial World understands the policy, has adequate resources and the attitude of the Industrial World towards Vocational Education and the government has been positive.
The research method used is quantitative. The sample in this study is the Industrial World who are vocational partners in West Java, as many as 149 industries in all areas of West Java. The analysis technique used is descriptive which aims to get an overview of the communication variables, resources, attitudes and involvement.
the results of the study indicate that communication carried out by both the government and schools in promoting link and match policies is good and has been understood by the Industrial World, but the resources possessed, especially the supporting equipment for student practicums, are still inadequate to support the link and match program. The level of involvement of the industrial world is quite high where the highest involvement in the preparation of the curriculum.
Keywords: LInk and Match, Vocational Education, Triple Helix
Topic: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues